Writing a Novella Poolside

Two weeks ago I was poolside writing a novella. You’re probably, maybe, picturing me with a drink, be it caffeinated or alcoholic, at my side, maybe I’m in a lounge chair or under an umbrella or both. And I’m definitely alone. And wearing a cute but comfortable beach appropriate outfit. While poolside. You get myContinue reading “Writing a Novella Poolside”

November Mini Reviews

A few short but sweet reviews of ARCs I’ve been reading this fall. I really slowed my ARC requests and have been trying to keep up with a few different reading goals. More to come in the new year! Hedging Your Bets by Jayne DenkerNetGalley, e-book I had read the first title in this seriesContinue reading “November Mini Reviews”

On writing as a reader

I had zero intention of ‘doing’ National Novel Writing Month 2023 (affectionately known as NaNoWriMo) this year. If you’re new to NaNoWriMo it’s a movement (if I can say that) to bring writers together in an online community during the month of November where they write every day, typically with the goal of approximately 50,000Continue reading “On writing as a reader”

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