Late Spring ARCs

I don’t think I could have tried to read so many foodie romances this time around. What a delicious coincidence! I’ve been working through quite a few titles recently and generally enjoying them. I’ve been trying to balance my reading recently – keeping a non-fiction on the go at (almost) all times and dipping in and out of other reads like the stack of historical fiction (oh so patiently) waiting for my attention!

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
NetGalley, e-book

So I don’t usually find myself tearing up at the end of a ‘rom-com’ but guess what everybody, this book made me do it. Maybe it’s my fragile emotional state today but it could also be that this Katherine Center book has me feeling all the feels and re-evaluating life choices and TBR picks like not every book or author can do.

Emma is an absolutely perfect (yet of course imperfect) main character, except that she’s living the life of a supporting actor, maybe she’s even hiding in the wings – until she’s thrust into a role she could have never imagined, the unwilling co-lead in with an equally unwilling co-lead who just happens to be her absolute favourite yet in real life unattainable person. And he also happens to be absolutely perfect for her – but they need to be grumpy and stand-offish for the first half of the book or so to get the point across – can’t make it too easy, right?

This book ticks EVERY box for this avid romance reader and it may or may not be my new favourite Katherine Center book and my recc of the summer if someone asks me what to read next.

Savor It by Tarah DeWitt
NetGalley, e-book

This was my very first descent into Tarah’s works and I am so glad to have found yet another must-read author to help me keep my TBR stacked with romance reads! This was such a fun yet mature and relatable read – not that I have summers “off” or have handsome chefs living next door or have a petting farm of animals in my backyard. But I am a woman who gives a lot of thought to love and relationships and the various forms they take and how they present themselves in our lives and take root, grow and flourish. And I like food. And beaches. And canoeing. So if any of this resonates with you add this book to your holds list or grab a copy at your local favourite indie! A beautiful love story that’s all about family, food and a frank foray into love and feeding our souls.

Just Playing House by Farah Heron
NetGalley, e-book

Of course I jumped at the chance to read the newest Farah Heron title and it did not disappoint. It might even be my new favourite! I loved the Canadian setting (expertly executed), the somewhat niche but also relatable/understandable careers of our protagonists: stylist and up and coming movie star. And the food! Farah does not mess around guys – she’s got the food, the great chemistry and the emotional, heartfelt storylines. This one’s going to get you, that’s for sure.

Marley and Nik’s story is a second chance, celebrity romance, forced proximity story that’s sweet and spicy in exactly the right measures – just like any recipe!

The Break Up Pact by Emma Lord
NetGalley, e-book

This was another delicious read! This time it was more about the sweet side of things with June’s scone shop taking (almost) center stage in this funny, somewhat second chance, friends to lovers, fake dating romance. June and Levi were best buds in high school but ten years later they’re thrust together after each being unceremoniously dumped in the public eye. Solution? Fake date. Of course! The solution to all problems 😉 Or how to creat a few more AND explore a relationship. While planning June’s brother’s wedding, because apparently that’s a theme of books I’ve read recently too.

This was a fun read – perfect for the beach or cottage!

A Bluestocking’s Guide to Decadence by Jess Everlee
NetGalley, e-book

This was a slightly sassy, definitely slow-burn lady romance with all the expected historical colouring of a Jess Everlee romance novel and of course some good wit, fun and unexpected turns.

I like that what I expected, after say the first few chapters, is not exactly what happened. In a good way of course! I like that I was still guided along gently through the story but not necessarily making all the turns and twists that I thought I’d make – I being an avid romance reader am used to many of these.

I loved Emily Clarke and Jo (aka Joey) Smith equally and would have loved to read more about each of them. I hope to encounter them in a future novel of Everlee’s (fingers crossed) to see how they’ve grown together.

My next ARCs aren’t due until mid-late July so I’m going to focus on other reads for a while and will catch back up with ARC mini reviews later this summer. Until then keep an eye out for my second quarter faves and quite possibly another cross Canada reading road trip!

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